Friday, June 14, 2013

How strangers react to my clothes, and how I react to their reactions (Goth Challenge)

Well since I live in a small town in the South (Alabama) I do get very rude comments.( For those of you that do not like foul language I give you fair warning. I will use profanity.) I have grown to understand that I live in a place where dressing in the Gothic fashion is not very popular nor seen very much. Also some kids wear all black and pretend to be goth for a few months. But I do not hate those kids. After all they are kids trying to discover their identity in life. We all experiment in life. Most of the negative comments come from very rude and tan girls or very trashy people. Most postive comments come from older ladies,children, or girls who envy my bravery to wear black lipstick in public.
Oh and here is the Goth challenge by Darkstalker girl . Here

:Here are some neagtive reactions and my comments and inner thoughts:

1. "Stupid fucking goth bitch!"
I used to work on campus at my college for testing during the Summer. Occasionaly nursing students would come in and they would be very loud. There are about eight large signs stating that testing is taking place. Well I approach the loud girls (keep in mind I am wearing black dress pants, a bat necklace, and a black blouse.) asking them politely to lower their volume. They react with disgust. The second time I ask them politely is when the comment came from a loud leather handbag pretending to be a female. I told my superior about the comment and campus security ended up escorting them out. All of them recieved F's on their test. I was laughing and smiling the whole time.

2. "I bet you dress that way for attention. Do not worry it is a phase."
Since this comment came from a stranger in a clothing store I ignored her as she blathered on. I have had this argument already with a professor. This is who I am. I have been Goth since I was 16. My own mother who at first protested the way I dress accepted me when I turned 18 because she realized that it was not a phase. I think to myself...why do you dress the way you do? Is it a phase? It angers me...but I do not want to argue with strangers. And their opinion of me is worthless in my eyes.

3. "Goths are fucking weird. Why the hell would you wear all black? Retarded Satanist freaks."

This came from a "friend". Or a person who I thought was a friend. I heard her very loud voice from a hallway. I confronted her. "Weird in your eyes is normal to me. Normal to you is weird to me. We all see each other differently. I wear all black because I love the way it looks. I wear all black because I choose to. I embrace the term freak because I do not want to conform to the mass medias ideals of what is good and proper and normal. I am a Satanist, but not all Goths are. Just because you dress differently does not mean you share a singular religion. I do not diss your religion because that is how you feel and I can never change that. Just do not expect me to help you with your essay tomorrow."

:Here are some positive comments and my reactions:

1. "Thank you. Thank you for being yourself. I love weird and odd people. I love when people are not afraid to be themselves."
This came from a random older woman at a thrift store. I smiled and thanked her. I told her that it means so much to me to hear that. I had been having a bad day. She then dissapeared and I have never seen her again.

2."When I grow up I want to be just like you!"
This came from a 5 year old from a school that I did paid volunteer work at for my college. She drew me bats and proudly told me that they were here favorite animals. I asked her why she wanted to be like me. She said, "Cuz you are beautiful,nice,kind,dress cool, and I want to be like that! Duh!"

I usually get the evil eye as well. I hold my head high because I am not afraid to be me! Have you had similar experiences? How do you react? I try to not show my anger and be the bigger man. (Bigger woman? Whatever!) You can always catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Or like my mother always said, "Kill em eith kindness!"

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