Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spotlight: Nemi!

Nemi is a comic by Lisa Myhre. The main character Nemi loves heavy metal and has a sweet tooth. I decided to spotlight this comic because the character is like me in many ways. I showed my man some of the comics and he laughed and said, "Oh lord that is so you!"

The comic shows the lighter side of goth and Nemi seems to be a perky goth. All pictures were taken from the  Nemi Montoya Facebook page  and you can find Lisa's official website here! 

Why Nemi is my spirit animal:

Example One:
She says, "Don't mind if I don't."

I like color but only in my eye shadow and accessories. I would feel very strange in a neon green top.

Example Two:


This is me with cute cuddly things. Or if I had a wand in my possession.

Example Three:

The cute cuddly things need homes! I need these stuffed gators! I need these fluffy bears! NEED!

Example Four:

Me and my man shed. We shed so much that I am surprised we are not both bald. The shower and sink get clogged. And there are tumble hairs that parade in the carpet. Clogged hair in drains....*shudders*

These really brighten my day. Do you have a favorite comic?

1 comment:

  1. These are GREAT, I love them!!! And I totally empathize with #3. I've got stuffed bats, a stuffed spider, a stuffed Skelebunny, AND a Vamplet!! More, please... ;-)

    My favorite comics are "Get Fuzzy" and "Two Lumps", both about cats. If you like cats, you'll LOVE them, especially "Two Lumps"!
